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ADD:36, Xianghe Road, Feidong Economic Development Zone, Hefei City


Copyright:Hefei Zhongke Flame Retardant New Material Co., Ltd.     


Quality Control

Quality control measures
In order to achieve the company's tenet and determine the company's quality policy, the company's top management authorizes the Quality Assurance Department to implement the breakdown of annual quality objectives, identify the specific functional department, specific time period and principals.  All functional departments shall make further refinement and breakdown, to implement the quality goal breakdown of each relevant post (including quantitative indicators, qualitative measures, completion time and assessment results determined according to the nature of the quality purposes, etc.), and develop the company’s structural chart of quality management system and process function matching table. The quality management system, management responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement, analysis and improvement are described. 
1. Assignment of management responsibilities
The quality responsibilities and authority of the company's management and various functional departments are stipulated. For the responsibilities specified in the quality management system elements of each department, refer to the Quality Manual-Structural chart of company's quality management system and Process function allocation table.
2. Control on customer requirements
The company is responsible for formulating and maintaining the Process control procedures related to customers. The QC Department is responsible for the formulation, documents requirements and communication with customers. The Marketing Department is responsible for establishing external communication channels. The external communication methods include: communication, visits, market research and others, such as trade show, promotional advertisements, customer forums. 
3.Control of product realization
The company conducts analysis from the aspects of product realization, product realization planning, customer related processes, design and development, procurement, production and service in details. 
4. Process and product monitoring and measurement
For the products produced, the company gives explicit requirements as follows: 
a. Control range: raw and auxiliary materials of products, intermediate products and final products 
b. Responsibilities: 
1) The Production Technology Department is responsible for planning the monitoring and testing, clarifying the inspection points, and preparing the inspection procedures (for determination of the inspection frequency, sampling plan, allowable level, and judgment basis) to specify the corresponding records. 
2) The Production Department is responsible for setting the inspection according to the planned inspection points. The QC Department is responsible for arranging the quality inspectors according to the planned quality control points, and performing purchase, process and final inspection according to the requirements in the inspection procedures or work instructions, and filling out the records.
c. Control requirements: The inspectors shall carry out purchase, process and final inspections according to the requirements in the inspection instructions, and validate if the raw materials and the externally processed products, semi-finished products, and externally supplied products meet the specified requirements, fill out the inspection records. The inspection records should correspond to the specified inspection items, indicating the inspection results and judgment results with the signature or seal of authorized inspectors. 
5. Nonconforming product control
The company has established and maintained the Non-conforming product control procedure, to prevent the unintended use and delivery of non-conforming products, and taken effective measures at the same time. The scope: non-conforming products (including nonconforming raw and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products and finished products) 
Control requirements:
a. Stipulate the responsibility for the identification, recording, review and disposal of nonconforming products
b. Take appropriate measures and record the non-conforming products
c. Correct the nonconforming products and re-validate the compliance of products 
6.Quality improvement control
The QC Department is responsible for formulating the Improvement control procedure, to specify the continuous improvement.
a.Scope: continuous improvement includes reducing product and process variation, reducing waste, lowering prices, improving services, etc.
b.Responsibility: The Quality Assurance Department is responsible for monitoring and the responsible department is responsible for implementation.
c.Continuous improvement methods: Promote the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system through guidelines, target audit results, data analysis results, corrective and preventive measures, and management review. 
Preconditions for continuous improvement: The quality management system is in a stable operation state.
Quality dispute
The company has a relatively complete quality management system, and each process is implemented strictly according to technical standards. All kinds of products and services comply with the relevant product technical standards promulgated by the state and the industry. The company has not been penalized due to violations of laws and regulations relating to product and service quality and technical supervision. No major quality disputes have occurred. The products produced by the company have stable and reliable quality. There are no major litigations, arbitrations or administrative penalties arising from product quality during the reporting period. So far, the company has not suffered from any disputes arising from product quality problems.