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ADD:36, Xianghe Road, Feidong Economic Development Zone, Hefei City


Copyright:Hefei Zhongke Flame Retardant New Material Co., Ltd.     



Employee career planning management
1 Human Resources Department is responsible for system design and organization and coordination. Its responsibilities include formulating the company's career planning and management implementation measures, clarifying job classification, job requirement development direction, promotion conditions, etc., and organizing the establishment of employee quality evaluation system to provide basis for evaluating the staff career development ability, establishing a staff training system that matches career planning and management, and organizing the implementation of training supervision, and guiding the career planning and management of employees in each unit. 
2 Each employing department shall implement the professional management. Their main responsibilities include clarifying the human resource needs of the department, providing a feasible development direction for employees, formulating the employee responsibilities, comprehensively assessing the knowledge, ability and performance of employees, filling out the employee training plan to provide training and education opportunities for employees, supervising, guiding and adjusting the career development of employees. 
Career Classification
The company’s job positions include three types: technical position, management position and skills position according to the nature and contents.
Technical position: including the positions engaging in the product engineers, process technology, equipment technology, research and development, etc. 
Management position: all management positions in the production, sales and operation activities of the company, including the production management, financial management, human resources management, procurement management, warehousing management, etc.
Skills position: Various type of technical jobs engaged in product R&D and manufacturing, including direct production positions and auxiliary production positions. 
Career development direction includes “vertical career development direction” and “horizontal career development direction”
1.Vertical career development: According to the job requirements, salary and other factors, the positions are divided into different levels from low to high in the company. The employee is promoted along this sequence of positions. The vertical career development should follow the principle of progressive promotion, and it is not allowed to promote bypassing levels. 
2. Horizontal career development: the career conversion. Employees can convert their jobs in different job type when they meet the job requirements and relevant professional knowledge.  
Skills type
Employees can switch between mutual positions and between operations and technical management positions
Encourage technical employees to switch careers into other career development channels
Engineers and personnel in the following positions can enter the management career development channels 
Management type
Employees achieve horizontal career development through rotation and exchanges between various management positions
Skills type
Employees achieve horizontal career development through multi-skill development
A technician can serve as a workshop technician and enter the production management career development channel
Technicians can enter the engineer position 
Vocational Training 
Various types of training to ensure employees to achieve their career development goals in the career development
Induction training
The basic education and induction training carried out for new employees after entering the factory. It is organized by HR Department, various functional departments and relevant personnel departments. 
Job-transfer training 
Training organized by the employing department before employees change jobs and occupations (types of work). Its main contents include the job skills and relevant work systems, work procedures, etc.