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Zhongke flame retardant​

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ADD:36, Xianghe Road, Feidong Economic Development Zone, Hefei City


Copyright:Hefei Zhongke Flame Retardant New Material Co., Ltd.     


Human Standard

The company follows the following principles in terms of employment:
1, the principle of open recruitment and preferential employment. Employees in the company enjoy equal opportunities in employment and promotion. They will not be treated differently because of their ethnic, racial, age, gender and religious differences.
2, the principle of "having both ability and integrity". Every position of the company should recruit employees with good moral quality and competence for the position, which is the criterion for selecting talents.
3, the principle of planned control. Departments shall, in accordance with the establishment and staffing of the departments issued by the company, formulate plans for supplementing the staffing requirements of their departments and submit them to the General Manager for approval. After approval, it is the basis for additional staffing.
No employee shall be employed as a company under any of the following circumstances:
1. Those deprived of political rights;
2. The person who has not been revoked is wanted.
3. Penalties such as controlled, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment and life imprisonment have not expired.
4, who has been dismissed by the company or has not been authorized to leave the company without authorization.
5, those who have been punished for corruption, misappropriation of public funds or unit property and money.
6. Those who failed physical examination in designated hospitals;
7, suffering from mental illness or infectious diseases or drug users;
8, under 16 years of age;
9, foreigners do not apply for employment in China;
10. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.